You are what you eat and why Kosher food is the best food

You are what you eat.

By Avital Zephaniah

This article is about benefits of Torah-observant lifestyle, the way I, a convert to Judaism, see it.

It's only natural to start with something we all do numerous times a day - eating. It's a purely physical act that likens us to every living creature. Yet, even through this seemingly un-spiritual act people have a chance to provide nourishment to their very souls and thus elevate themselves over animals. I present to you kosher diet!

I won't go into details about intricate rules of kosher, you can find lot's of useful information about it on the Internet. But I do want to talk about why I chose to eat strictly kosher and how it enhanced my life.

1. Health benefits and peace of mind.

First of all, let me state the obvious. Kosher diet is healthy. There are numerous medical researches that prove the benefits of separating meat and dairy, consumption of ritually slaughtered meat and avoidance of animal blood through soaking/salting of the meat and making sure it's well done. Another reason to choose kosher meat is the peace of mind you get from knowing that an animal or a bird, flesh of which you are about to consume, dido't die of natural causes and was healthy. Our natural sense of guilt makes us carnivores prefer not to think about where our steak came from. But recently there have been some disturbing news popping up here and there about the quality of regular meat sold in grocery stores. Apparently, sometimes animals die before they get slaughtered and their meat still passes the inspection. And how about milk? Without kosher certification cow milk might not be 100% cow milk. It's sad, but food companies care about their profits a lot more than they do about us consumers and without proper inspection they can get away with selling products we don't want to put in our bodies. Buying non-kosher products is like getting a cat in a bag. You never know what you get, because under a disguise of preservatives and "natural" flavorings there might be hiding something not-so-natural. Kosher certification takes care of that, and there you have it. No worries.

2. Spiritual purity.

There is another side of eating kosher, which is not that obvious to an average observer. The sages of Jewish mysticism taught that consumption of forbidden foods blocks our spiritual channels through which our souls connect to their source. I can attest to that. It's like a detox for your spirit. All of a sudden you start looking at things differently. You attain certain wisdom. The concept itself is so beautiful and powerful that you might want to give it try.

3. Discipline and liberation.

Many people choose to be slaves to their stomachs. They can't give up their favorite foods even if their health, looks and very lives depend on it! What makes people different from animals is our ability to be in control. Overcoming our dependence on food is the first step of breaking free from the clutches of materialism. It's truly empowering and liberating! How much stronger you are going to feel when you can say no to anything you choose not eat, be it bacon, shellfish or an extra piece of cake! You will have the willpower to go on any diet and accomplish anything you want to. Only when you don't have any unnecessary dependencies, you can focus on what's truly important.

4. Doing the right thing.

Do you remember how happy and proud you were as a little kid, when you did something your parents approved of? That priceless feeling of doing the right thing? That's the feeling I get from eating kosher. How can I not? The Maker Himself put a stamp of approval on these dietary laws, so there must be something to it. Like a loving parent, He knows what's best for us. Yes, it might be difficult. Yes, there will be temptations along the way. Yes, it will require significant lifestyle changes. But in the end it will be worth it because it will make you a better and stronger person. If you have sincere conviction, after awhile it will become natural and it will help you refine your character and find your true self. Eating kosher is a divine tool of spiritual cleansing and self-improvement.

Amazon's David Zephaniah page


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