
Success and Happiness in life Doesn't Really Depend On You!

Does my success depend on me? We tend to think that it is up to us to become successful. That’s what they [the school and people] teach us from the day that we can remember. They condition us to be ambitious because they teach us that money can buy everything. However, does money buy happiness? I can tell you for sure, that it doesn't! Not only that it doesn’t buy happiness, many time it ruins peoples live. It’s all happening in front of our eyes all over the world. "Successful" people going through hardship and die like flyes every day [at a very young age]. So the question is , “what is the formula for true success [and happiness] in life?” The answer is, “One has to consider the Creator of the Universe in everything that he endeavors in life!”. He/she must ask themselves, once they are old enough, “ What does the Creator of Heavens and Earth Want from me? ” General directions: 1.  Once waking up, saying “thank you” to the creato...

Shocking Life of Zombies

By: David Zephaniah The final stage of this world All off you probably heard that the Jews were chosen by God to be His treasured people. Nobody just claims it, that is what the Bible said. I studied the prophecies in the Bible over the last 10 years and have learned a lot. I want to share the information with the general public for the purpose of inspiration and enlightenment. We live in the era of the End of Days. This current world order has an expiration date. While nobody knows the exact date, all the signs indicate that it will happen in our generation, within the next few years.  Is the world getting better? Contrary to scientist’s claims, the world is not getting better, and the crime rate is not decreasing. One must be blind and deaf in order not to know that crime rates are skyrocketing today.   A day doesn’t go by that we don’t read about heinous crimes that are committed in our society. Most of the world problems are rooted in th...

Excerpt from Prophecy about End of Days from the Book of Daniel.

End of the World, Tanach Predictions This excerpt of the End of Days is from the Book of Daniel in the Jewish Bible. Since End of days supposed to happen in our generation, I found it right to publish parts of it and other prophecies to teach and to enlighten. This book is purely based upon the Jewish Bible, the Original version in ancient Hebrew.  Revelation of the End of Days in the kingdom of Babylon Years went by since his captivity in Babylon, and Daniel was already in his 40’s. His life in the kingdom of Babylon was extremely prosperous and secure. He held extremely powerful government positions and had a significant influence over government, social, religious and financial affairs in the kingdom. Daniel had everything anyone could wish for - land, treasures, and other material possessions. Regardless, he was still longing for his family and the beautiful country of Judah. He was ready to trade all the riches and power just to be with his family again. He w...

Why are there So Many Homosexuals today?

Feminist revolution in the world By David Zephaniah I witnessed the feminism revolution in 70’s and 80’s in this country and some other countries. Many good things have happened in a way of taking women out of obscurity and giving them equal rights at home and in workplace. The women of today are no longer second class citizens and enjoy all the benefits that this society has to offer. There are countries out there where a woman is still very much a second class citizen and has very little rights. It is happening in most Muslim countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed even to drive cars. There are some other countries, such as Israel and Russia, where women never were second class citizens, and they have always enjoyed equality. Some of them are working and supporting their families, and some are willingly staying home to take care of their children and families. Social revolution However, this revoluti...

American Dream is gone

About the American Dream By David Zephaniah When you look at America today, everything is seemingly fine. The rhythm of life goes on and people are busy on their way to work, school, running errands and playing with their dogs… To a casual observer, without thinking about it, it would all seem fine and dandy in the United States. A casual observer sees a technologically and socially developed country that is rich, democratic and is the envy of many nations. Because of this envy, many people from countless poor countries are dreaming of living here. However the casual observer is wrong! In this article,  I will point out that regardless to what it seems, the American Dream is dying. We have lost some important values and principles that are the core of happiness and satisfaction. About Holidays in America I have been in America for over 20 years, and I have seen a steady decline of respect for holidays by countless greedy c...

These are people with no culture at all!

  The culture in the good old times By David Zephaniah I have heard countless stories about “Back in a day”. Older people told me how the whole neighborhood used to work together and knew each other. They told me about days when kids played in the streets with no fear. The days when you observed your neighbor’s child doing something wrong, and you intervened and tried to help them. That was a normal and acceptable thing to do. What is the USA culture today? Since those days, you would think that our civilization would get better, would have a higher culture and it would make sense to assume that neighborhoods would get safer. It is not crazy to assume that people would be more cultured with each other and set  things to a brighter future. Why do some of you think that this is a crazy idea? It only makes sense, that unless we screwed something up in a process, the world would develop in a positive direction. That...