
So you want to know Why Do Bad People Prosper?

by David Zephaniah Why bad people are rich and good people suffer. I believe that most of us want to know why the bad people prosper. It seems to be the case everywhere. People who have no morals are rich and famous. However, the honest, thoughtful, and moral people struggle through their lifetime, because they refuse to do things that bad people do, like lying, cheating, hurting other people, etc. The answer will surprise you! Gods pays forward to the wicked This information is from the Torah. In the chapter 7 of Deuteronomy, just before Jewish nation entered Israel, Moses explains why some wicked people prosper in this lifetime. This happened about 3500 years ago:  “Those are God’s commands. When God, your God, brings you into the land which you are going to possess, He will drive away many nations from before you: the Chitites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Cana’anaites, the Perizites, the Chivites, and the Jebusites. Those seven nations are more nu...

Genesis in Jewish Bible Explained

The purpose and the timing of the world Creation by David Zephaniah Genesis World Creation Explained By David Zephaniah The purpose and the timing of the world Creation There are lots of arguments in the world about the sequence of creation in the Bible. The scientists and the faithless constantly torment the faithful people, and ridicule them about the Torah’s claim that the world was created 5774 years ago. Those people read the Bible sentences literally, and think that the Bible is written that way. In reality, this book of enlightenment is a lot more sophisticated than any other book.  It's written in a way that only the wisest of the wise can decipher it. The book uses the most poetic language, with no grammatical imperfection. Each dot, word, and sentence in it has a special meaning. For you to decipher it, you need an extensive knowledge not only of Hebrew, but of other Jewish sacred and mystical texts as well. Let’s get to the chapter of Genesis. I w...

Lets compare Science vs Religion

by David Zephaniah Science and God Most religions originate from different pagan religions. Those “religions” worshipped pagan gods, such as, trees, sun, moon, animals, etc. Those “gods” were cruel. In their stories they impregnated humans and had children. Many pagans sacrificed their own children to them. They are not the topic of this post. Enter the Jewish religion.  Jewish religion is different. What other nation in the world received The Book from God Himself? What other nation gave most of the moral codes, legal codes, and family codes to the world? There is no such nation. What other ancient language aside Hebrew exists today? None. If you check the Noble Prize winners through the years since the Noble Prize was existed, and famous scientists,  you will find that great many of them are Jewish scientists. To name some of the greatest: Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, and hundreds more. We are talking about the nation, which through the ages, ha...

Fundamental Quotes from the Jewish Bible and how do they effect us today

Famous quotes from the Jewish Bible  By David Zephaniah There are thousands of profound quotes in the Jewish Bible. Different philosophies in the world are based upon them. I bring you part one.  "Thus saith the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich man glory in his riches. But let him that glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord Who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord." Book of Jeremiah.  What the Creator is saying here is that happiness is in spirituality and not in material things. The condition nowadays is that people have more "stuff" than ever, but are more depressed than ever.  “Behold, singular evil is coming. It is worse than any evil ever before. The dawn of the day of evil has come.”  Book of Ezekiel. God told Ezekiel that He created special evil forces to pun...

10 Rules to Follow to find Love of Your Life

10 Rules to follow to recognize love of your life by David Zephaniah If you tired of meaningless relationships, and are looking for something that lasts longer than average Hollywood marriage, these instructions are for you. The writer of this post owned a successful dating service in the New York area. Print it out and take it everywhere with you. Rule # 1 Aim high. Don't waste energy unless you are really interested in the person. Think long term and it will happen. Rule # 2 Opportunities strike everywhere, such as, In supermarkets, shopping centers, street, etc. If you are single and looking, always scan your surroundings. If you see someone of interest, try to make an eye contact. Once you do, smile. If that person smiles back, the next move is to talk to him/her. Rule # 3 Avoid coworkers, family, married people, people who's partner you know, celebrities, and ultra rich at any cost. You will not find love there. You will have some kind of adventure, but not ...

How to Live Your Life According to 613 Laws God Gave at Mt. Sinai

The Commandments by David Zephaniah God designated Jews as the nation of priest and holy people, when He gave them the Torah [Bible] on Mt Sinai thousands of years ago. He promised them the land of Israel as an eternal inheritance. He told them that this world had a final purpose which would be realized at the end of this world order. At the meantime, their job was to spread His laws around the world. The duty of every Jew is to overcome the temptation of materialism and idolatry, and to uncover the spark of holiness in the material world around us. God told them that they could accomplish that by following the 613 laws (Yes, 613, not merely ten). It is not a "religion". It is the Way of life that one needs to live by in order to have tranquility and happiness. For a Jew, observing those laws through all the generations is not an option. It is must! Abandoning God's Covenant carries maximum penalties. All the great disasters that came upon the Jews th...

Who am I? About Author David Zephaniah

Biography of David Zephaniah I'm the baby on the right. I was born in Georgia (in Europe), which was a part of the Soviet Union, in the 1960's. Our ancestors immigrated to Georgia about 2000 years ago, once the Babylonian Empire took over Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple of God, and exiled and killed many Jews. With my older brother. I grew up in with 3 other brothers. I was the second of the four. My mom didn't work, because she believed that raising children is the most important job in the world. I was a bright child. The family nicknamed me “King David” By the time that I was 12, I read 100’s of books in every possible subject. I was thirsty for knowledge. My father worked very hard to support us. I know that they have struggled at the times, but we lived a good life. My parents.  My large family practiced Jewish traditions very strictly, despite the fact that practicing any religion was against the law in the Communist Soviet Union. They b...