10 Rules to Follow to find Love of Your Life

10 Rules to follow to recognize love of your life

by David Zephaniah

If you tired of meaningless relationships, and are looking for something that lasts longer than average Hollywood marriage, these instructions are for you. The writer of this post owned a successful dating service in the New York area. Print it out and take it everywhere with you.

Rule # 1 Aim high. Don't waste energy unless you are really interested in the person. Think long term and it will happen.

Rule # 2 Opportunities strike everywhere, such as, In supermarkets, shopping centers, street, etc. If you are single and looking, always scan your surroundings. If you see someone of interest, try to make an eye contact. Once you do, smile. If that person smiles back, the next move is to talk to him/her.

Rule # 3 Avoid coworkers, family, married people, people who's partner you know, celebrities, and ultra rich at any cost. You will not find love there. You will have some kind of adventure, but not love.

Rule # 4 If the initial conversation doesn't go well, abandon the ship. Unlike fantacies they show in Hollywood movies, what starts bad, usually ends with the same. Rules of the conversation: Be yourself and don't lie. House with bad foundation will collapse. Don't try to impress, because it will ruin everything. Be confidant and positive. Don’t talk negative and don't dirty mouth anyone, especially your relatives. Don't try hard and don't ask too many questions. Let the conversation flow naturally. At that time you will decide if you want to continue.

Rule # 5 The first encounter shouldn't take more than 15m. You don't want to ruin the first impression. You need quick and elegant exit. Don't set another date at that time. Just ask for the phone number. Say that you will call the next day, to set up some date, if it is OK.

Rule # 6 Regardless to how excited you are, you need to call call next day in the late afternoon. You are doing this because you don't want to seem overly anxious. Good people don't want desperate people. They want those who have things going for them.

Rule # 7 The first date should be in a simple coffee shop, for an hour or so. Go prepared and be ready that it can work out, or not. However, be positive! Enjoy yourself. Be honest and straight. Observe the person's body language and demeanor. Decide if you like him/her or not. After about an hour, find an excuse that you have to go, and say that you will call within a day or two. If that person tries hard to convince you to stay, or tries to take you to bed, excuse yourself, and never call them again. That person is already damaged. You won't find love there.

Rule # 8 You can't be stingy or too generous. For the first few dates, it is normal for the man to carry the bill. Be honest and show your true financial ability. You won't be able to hide it anyway. You want someone who wants you for who you are.

Rule # 9 Wait a day or two and call back to set up another date. Go slow. Sex will come later. Don't rush it. See if you have a potential love, before jumping the gun.

Rule # 10 Never talk about your problems, and don't dirty mouth anyone. Don't be discouraged of failures. It takes many tries to find the right person. Remember, it is the mission of the lifetime! Finding the right person takes willingness and dedication. Always try to be positive and try and try again. The more you try, the better person you will become. At that time, more and more people will be attracted to you. You will become popular. You will pursue those and eventually build a beautiful relationship.

Repeat the above until the right person comes around. I wish you the best of luck. Last important word. I believe that the almighty chances us with the right person, if we deserve it. May you merit it.

Amazon's David Zephaniah page
