Fundamental Quotes from the Jewish Bible and how do they effect us today

Famous quotes from the Jewish Bible 

By David Zephaniah

There are thousands of profound quotes in the Jewish Bible. Different philosophies in the world are based upon them. I bring you part one.

  • "Thus saith the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich man glory in his riches. But let him that glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord Who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord." Book of Jeremiah.  What the Creator is saying here is that happiness is in spirituality and not in material things. The condition nowadays is that people have more "stuff" than ever, but are more depressed than ever.
  • “Behold, singular evil is coming. It is worse than any evil ever before. The dawn of the day of evil has come.”  Book of Ezekiel. God told Ezekiel that He created special evil forces to punish and kill pagan Jews. Over time, God killed many millions of faithless and pagan Jews as He promised in the curses of Leviticus. This includes the latest Holocaust. In that instance, it happened because German and European Jews created Reform and Conservative "Judaism". Those branches run against anything that Torah teaches. As one Rabbi told me, that it is better to go to church (God forbid), than to one of these. They teach heresy that designed to destroy Judaism from the core. Truly faithful Jews always manage to escape trouble. God also exalts retribution upon the world nations every time, usually many folds. Through history, He destroyed many mighty nations and erased them from the face of the earth. 
  • “From the Zion comes forth the Torah, and world of Lord from Jerusalem “ Book of Isaiah. God said here that He gave only one Torah on Mount Sinai and He will always dwell in Jerusalem.
  • “In those days, ten men of all languages of the seventy nations shall take hold of the skirt of a Jewish man, saying, "Let us go with you to Jerusalem, for we have heard that Creator is with you". Book of Zechariah. God is telling Zechariah what will happen after the arrival of the Messianic era. People from all the nations will recognize that God is true and His " dwelling " is with the Jews in Jerusalem.
  • "I am G-d (Y-H-V-H). I made Myself seen to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, by the name of El Sha-dai, but by My name, Y-H-V-H, I did not make Myself known to them". Its the exchange between G-d and Moses before God gave the Torah. Moses wanted to know why people suffer so much in their lifetime. God says: "By My name, Y-H-V-H, I did not make Myself known to them" .This is understood by the commentaries as G-d saying to Moses: "I did not reveal My quintessential truth," represented by the divine name Y-H-V-H, to the Patriarchs; they knew Me only by the name El Sha-dai which represents a more limited manifestation of My being. They accepted that they could never comprehend My infinite, unknowable essence. In simple words, events that seem terrible, are really not such, because God's decisions are based upon His master plan. At the end of the day, those terrible events happen for our benefit, once you take in the account all the people that exist on earth. His plot, we are all players, although some major and some minor. 
  • “Because the daughters will be so haughty, and they will  walk with neck stretched forth, and winking eyes; walking and raising themselves they will  walk, and with their feet, they will spout “venom”.” Prophet Isaiah is predicting how promiscuous women will behave in the time before the redemption. The Torah says that immorality is the main reason for the destruction of the world.
  • "Prophesy to the spirit, prophecy, O son of man,’ and say to the spirit, 'So says the Lord Creator: From four sides of the world come, O spirit, and breathe into these slain ones that they may live.”  Book of Ezekiel. God is saying to Ezekiel that at the end of this world, all the righteous people that ever died, will be resurrected back to life. At that time death and deceases will be eliminated. People who weren't righteous will be destroyed. Those who deserve special punishment will be brought back to life as well. They will be subjugated in a terrible place that God prepared for them. They will live there forever in suffering.
  • “Didn’t you know who Master of the world is by working it out yourself? Haven’t you heard from somebody that understood it? Haven’t you been told about God from ancient tradition? Haven’t you understood that the earth is not resting on any foundations for it is a globe surrounded by sky, so God must be decreeing it to stand? That is the true God, and you should have worshipped [only] Him. God is Who sits above the circle of the earth. Those who live on earth, to Him are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the skies like a sheet and spreads them like a tent for dwelling". Book of Isaiah. Isaiah is reproaching people about pagan practices. He is telling them that it is not the force of Gravitation that holds the earth in place. That is what the scientists today are calling "dark matter".

  •  H’aazinu- 

God said to Moses to sing this song at the conclusion of the Torah, to teach them what the future holds and the wisdom of God. God already foresaw the future till the end of this world order. Reading this, one will understand the purpose of life and the purpose of this world!

Listen, O heavens and be my witness, for I will speak!
Let the earth hear and witness the following words of my mouth!

Let my Torah teaching drip like rain and give life to the world,
Let my words flow like dew;
Like storm winds that bring rain on vegetation to make them grow,
And like raindrops on the grass.

When I call out and mention the name of God,
     Respond and ascribe greatness to our God.

Though He is powerful, like a rock,
 His acts of retribution are perfectly balanced,
 For all His ways are just;
God is faithful to reward His righteous ones!
 He even rewards the wicked without injustice;
 All acknowledge that He is righteous and upright in judgment.

Corruption is theirs, not His!
 It is His children’s defect,
 A crooked and twisted generation!

Is this how you repay God?
You disgraceful, unwise people?
 Is He not your father, your Master?
 He has made you a special nation,
 And established you to be self-sufficient.

Remember days gone by when God punished the wicked.
Reflect upon the years of one generation and another
Ask your father, and he will tell you about days gone by,
Ask your elders, and they will inform you what the early generations did.

When the Supernal One gave nations their lot with the Flood,
When He separated the sons of man after the tower of Bavel,
He allowed them to exist by establishing seventy district nations,
For the sake of the children of Israel who would later arise,
And number seventy souls.

He saved all the nations because of God’s portion, His people, hidden among them,
Jacob and his sons were His inheritance,
For Jacob’s merit was threefold, like the strands of the rope

He found them faithful to Him accepting the Torah in a desert land,
Following Moses into a desolate, howling wasteland.
He encompassed them with clouds,
And bestowed understanding upon them through the Torah;
He protected them from snakes and scorpions like the pupil of His eye.

He guided them with compassion like an eagle that wakens its nest gently,
Hovering over its young without touching them;
It spreads its wings, taking them,
Carrying them safely on its upper side.

God alone guided them,
And there was no strange god able to attack them.

He settled them in the land of Israel, the peak of the earth,
So they could eat its fast-growing produce of the field.
He let them suck honey from its figs, which grow from a rocky, hard crust,
And oil from the olives that grow at the hard, rocky ground of Gush Chalav.

The cream of cattle and the milk of sheep,
With the fat of lambs,
Fattened rams Bashan and he-goats,
With the kernels of wheat.
You will drink the blood of grapes, delicious wine.

But Yeshurun (Israel) become fat and rebelled;
You grew fat, rotund and obese;
Israel forsook the God that made them,
And disgraced the rock of their salvation.

They made Him furious with alien worship;
They made Him angry with abominable acts.

They sacrificed to demons, which have no power,
Deities with which they were not acquainted,
New idols that just arrived and were not even known by idolaters themselves, 
Which your fathers did not fear.

You forgot the Rock who gave birth to you;
You forgot the God who delivered you from the womb.

God saw this and became angry,
provoked by His sons and daughters.

He said, I will hide my face from them;
I will see what their end will be.
For they are the generation that changes My goodwill into anger;
Children that have no signs of My good upbringing.

They have made Me furious with something that is not a god,
Provoked my anger with their nonsense.
So I will make the furious by a nation devoid of a name,
I will provoke their anger with a vile heretical nation.

For a fire burned in My nostrils,
And I will blaze in you to the lowest depths your foundation.
It will consume your land and its produce,
Setting aflame Jerusalem which is founded upon mountains.

I will heap misfortunes upon them,
I will use up My arrows on them.

They will sprout hair from famine, be attacked by flying demons,
And be cut down by the Demon Meriri.
I will send animal's teeth upon them,
With the venom of those snakes that slither in the dust.

From outside the city, the sword of the invading armies will bereave them,
And terror will destroy the chambers of heart,
Of even young men and maidens,
Suckling babes with old men.

I said in my heart that I will scatter them,
Causing their memory to cease from mankind.

If it were not for the enemy's anger heaped up against them,
Lest their adversaries misconstrue their power to a foreign power,
Lest they claim, 'Our hand was triumphant!'
And, 'It was not God who did all of this!'

For the enemy of Israel is a nation devoid of good advice,
And they have no understanding to see that their victory would come from God.

If they were wise, they would understand this;
They would reflect upon Israel's demise,

They would have thought: How can one of us pursue a thousand of Israel,
And two put ten thousand to flight,
Unless their Rock has sold them out,
And God delivered them into our hands?

For their (Gentiles) rock is not a true power like our Rock,
If our enemies judge and defeat us it is because our Rock has decreed so.

God says: I wish to scatter Israel because their vine is of the vine of Sodom,
And of the grain fields of Amorah;
Their grapes are grapes of the bitterness,
They deserve the clusters of the bitter juice.

Their cup of the punishing wine will be like the venom of serpents,
And the cruel poison of cobras.

It is not the evidence of all their wicked actions stored away with Me,
Sealed up in my treasuries?

With me, vengeance is prepared, and it will repay,
At the moment their foothold of merit of their fathers falters.
As soon as I decide to punish them the day of their reckoning will be close,
And what is destined for them will happen quickly.

When God will judge His people and bring these sufferings upon them,
He will then change His mind about His servants,
When He sees that the power of the enemy is increasing,
And no one among Israel has a source of salvation or help.

Then He (God) will say: Where is their deity that they worshiped,
The rock in which they trusted?

Which ate the fat of their sacrifices,
And drank the wine of their libation?
Let them stand up and help you!
Let them be your shelter!

See now that it is Me! I am the One!
There is no god to stand against Me.
I cause death and I bring to life.
I injure and I heal.
And no one can rescue from My hand those who sin against Me!

For when the Jewish people repent, I will turn My anger upon the nations!
I will raise up My hand in heaven,
And say: just as I live forever,

I swear that when I sharpen the blade of my sword,
And My hand grasps judgment to punish the enemies of Israel,
I will bring vengeance upon them, for they are my enemies too.
I will repay those who hate Me.

I will make my arrows drunk with enemy blood,
And my sword will consume their flash;
On account of the blood of the slain of Israel and the captives seized,
From even the first attack of the enemy.

At that time the nations will sing praises to His people!
When they see how He will avenge the blood of His servants that they spilled,
Inflict revenge upon His enemies for the robberies and losses they caused,
And appease His land and His people for their distress.

All the calamities already have come upon Israel for their sins. We are waiting for the final events to unfold. I believe that it will happen in our generation!

Amazon's David Zephaniah page


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