Lets compare Science vs Religion

by David Zephaniah

Science and God

Most religions originate from different pagan religions. Those “religions” worshipped pagan gods, such as, trees, sun, moon, animals, etc. Those “gods” were cruel. In their stories they impregnated humans and had children. Many pagans sacrificed their own children to them. They are not the topic of this post. Enter the Jewish religion.

 Jewish religion is different. What other nation in the world received The Book from God Himself? What other nation gave most of the moral codes, legal codes, and family codes to the world? There is no such nation. What other ancient language aside Hebrew exists today? None.
If you check the Noble Prize winners through the years since the Noble Prize was existed, and famous scientists,  you will find that great many of them are Jewish scientists. To name some of the greatest: Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, and hundreds more. We are talking about the nation, which through the ages, has been around 0.04% of the world population!
Look at Israel today. They do not separate between religion and state. Many laws of the land are taken directly from the Torah, such as marriage laws, Sabbath rest laws, Holidays, etc. For the country of merely 8 Million people, it is one on the foremost leaders in every scientific field. I would say that more than half of Israel’s scientists are what you would call, Religious! Israeli army defeated armies 100 times more numerous! Before God allowed them to return to the land of Israel, the whole place was a barren desert for 2000 years, exactly as God told Ezekiel 2400 years ago! Now it is like Garden of Eden. Who's done it?  No, they are not super human.  It all comes from the Creator’s master plan. The Torah says that they were blessed with more blessings than any other nation, because God wanted them to spread His Torah.
No. You can’t compare Judaism to any other religion.
 The pagans adapted Jewish Torah, but just for the show. They claim that God changed His mind. I guess that they are talking about different “god”. People change their mind and lie every day. God doesn’t do that, because we all exist in His imagination and everything happens exactly as He planned it for Trillions of years.
I am no stranger to science. I have a degree in Electronics engineering and I’ve spent a good part of my life interacting with scientists. Let me give you some insight.

• What is science?

 Science is a study of the world surrounding us, the world that existed way before humans came into the picture. Scientists did not create or make this universe. They are merely observing it and studying it.
• How much do we know about this universe at this point?
I’m sure that most scientists will agree that our knowledge does not amount to even 1%. That means that there is 99% that we don’t know!
Good percentages of scientists are atheists. They worship earth, fire, water, animals, money, power, greed… The truth is that the last thing on their minds is finding God. They don’t want to prove God's existence; rather their agenda is to disprove His existence. Why such an animosity? It only exists with non Jewish scientists, because most Jewish scientists believe in God. Many of them are very observant of God's laws.
The animosity between non Jewish scientists and Christian Church started in the middle ages. In those days the Christian Church was very dark and vigorously persecuted and killed people who didn't agree with their doctrine. They persecuted and killed many Jewish scientists as well, and they publicly burned many scientific books.

• Are scientists smart?

It depends on what you consider being smart. Researchers specialise in a NARROW FIELD of a given subject. I have known many scientists, and I can say first hand that many of them can’t tie their shoes, maintain a cohesive conversation with the opposite sex or manage their finances! Therefore, scientists might be smart, but they lack wisdom. Wisdom comes from tradition of Torah.
Just to give a few examples from my personal experience, my ex mother in-law was a researcher in a medical field. She knew hundreds of medications by heart. However, I could never carry an intelligent conversation with her and she could not understand why she was always late on her bills, and why she never had money… There was another guy I used to know very closely. He was a genius of a mathematician; however, he couldn’t manage his life. Heck, he couldn’t even button up a shirt the right way!
The point is that I don’t trust scientists when it comes to matters of G-d’s existence! They are not competent!
When great scientist such as Stephen Hawkin says that the science is above religion, he is talking about pagan religions. He doesn't know the true God. For example, Jewish sages knew that the earth is round, because prophet Isaiah said it 2600 years ago. Jews knew about the existence of Dinosaurs, because Genesis mentions them.
Science has value, there’s no doubt. It is slowly discovering new exciting phenomena, providing convincing answers to questions humanity has been asking for years and years. However, my opinion is that science’s validity and usefulness in limited only to the technical subjects and not when it comes to philosophical questions of human soul and G-d’s existence.

Limited science

Have you ever seen a person with mental problems who got cured by science? I will answer it - it does not happen. All the medications that were invented will only mask the problems temporarily! Millions of people go to psychiatrists and psychologists every year, seeking help from them and believing in them, not realizing that lots of those “experts” have family members with various psychological problems themselves and are powerless to help them. It’s like buying a hair growth product from a bold man!
If scientists were right about their claims of evolution, they would be able to easily prove it. As we already know, most sociological and technological advances happened during last hundred years. This fact agrees with the geometric formula that states that once we cross a certain threshold and reach a certain stage in evolution, the process accelerates drastically.  We are now learning at a much more accelerated pace. Whatever used to take us thousands of years to learn, we can now accomplish in a matter of a few years. Let’s take the smartest monkey and lock it in a lab for 50 years, and fast track its progress by feeding him information. Although the monkey would still look like a monkey, he would at least show some intelligence. But wait! They have already tried it, but with no results. That’s how we know that we did not originate from monkeys. We originate from the super intelligent being, who is the Maker.
Most of the people today are blind, who follow other people like a lamb for slaughter. They take scientific theories as fact, when in fact, they are just theories proposed by people who believe that we originated from monkeys...

Science has to agree with the Torah

Science can never really disagree with the Torah. The Torah is the blueprint of the creation, and all the scientific knowledge is descending from God.
If there are some disagreements, it is a scientific mistake. Rest assured that they will eventually reconcile. 
God chose the Jewish people to spread His Torah. It is a big responsibility, and I don't take it lightly. If you go and read some of my other posts, such as the one about the 613 Commandments and other God given wisdom information, it will all start to make sense to you.
We live in the strange era. On one hand it is an information age. On the other hand, it is mostly dark and wrong information age. The perverts, the liars, the greedy, the twisted, are all screaming and want to be heard. 

That is how pagan material world turned out. However the Creator knew everything way before this world existed, when He wrote the Torah, many ions ago. Every person and every event is in it from the beginning of the world, to the end of the world. Everything that happens, happens exactly the way He wants it to happen. 
Use this information and do your research. You might find that this world is more magical than you ever had imagined.
Remember, when your mind [evil inclination] fools you that you need another material item, it is lying to you! What your soul [Godly soul] is yearning is the spiritual knowledge, because the Maker programmed us so. That is where the true happiness is.

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