Spiritual world vs. Material world, and the human quest for nothingness

by David Zephaniah

This is a preview of the book.

Peace of mind vs. a bitter end

I believe that deep down inside every person in the world wants to believe that there is a higher power.  From the day that a person transforms from childhood to adulthood, they realize that death is inevitable, and every day that passes by brings it closer and closer. 
If a person is a liberal, he/she goes through life constantly worrying about what tomorrow brings. For that reason, they concentrate on getting the best out of life, before the ultimate death. Therefore, they go into the ultimate and exhaustive race of career, materialism, selfishness and self-gratification. As a result, throughout their lives they experience bad relationships, bad friendships, bad children, lack of love, and lack of happiness. In the twilight of their lives, these people realize that the whole life was a great struggle and an ultimately unhappy and unsatisfying experience. As time goes on and the older these people get, the more bitter they feel. At their old age, they realize that something in their life went terribly wrong. This bitterness goes on until their last breath. This is what I call the bitter end.
On the other hand, a person who is conservative might be living next door, but they experience a totally different life. These conservative people believe that this current life is definitely not the end and that it leads up to a grander scheme of the Maker’s plan. Therefore, they follow the commandments with conviction, and as a result, they experience great relationships, excellent and caring family and children, true friendships, true love and authentic happiness. Conservative people are not worried about what tomorrow brings, and they are not afraid of death. They are convinced that upon their deaths, the show goes on, and that they are given a different role, and so on, until the time of the end, when all of their hard work will be realized and rewarded. This is what I call peace of mind.
Peace of mind is such a powerful notion that it will make you feel satisfied and happy in life, without having constant gratification of the material world. With peace of mind you will be able to pay attention to the things that are truly important: beautiful world around you, your family, your children, your relationships, your friends, yourself, etc.
This book will help you achieve peace of mind and happiness, and in the process, maybe you will invest in your future beyond this lifetime. It will be investment in the world that will come in the End of Times.
Once you practice the Commandments, you will achieve an Authentic Happiness. Here, is what a great Prophet, Jeremiah said 2500 years ago:
"Thus Saith the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich man glory in his riches. But let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord Who exercises mercy, justice, and righteousness on the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord."

The existence of G-d

There is a question that bothers many sons of men. Does G-d Exist? It is a fundamental question. Almost every single person in the world has wondered about it at least once in their lifetime. We all need to know why we are here and if there is any purpose to this life.
There are countless people who claim that they believe in G-d. They say they don’t need proof. However, saying and believing are two different things. After interacting with thousands upon thousands of people in my life, I observed that lots of people don’t truly believe, they just say that for whatever reasons. I will provide an explanation of faith to illustrate the point: believing in something means that a person would be happy to bet their life on it. Nothing less will do.
We live in a supposedly modern world of the 21st century. Science developed and advanced considerably in every possible field. People today rely on science when it comes to a wide range of issues in their daily lives. An average individual trusts and relies on “scientific” research regarding all aspects of life, including psychology, medicine, psychiatry, parenthood, happiness, medicine, etc. They believe that all those researches and analysis produce positive and desired results through experiments and tests. They entrust themselves in the hands of scientists blindly, without questioning. I have not met many
People who dared to challenge scientific research, despite the fact that more than half of these "researches" are totally flawed and/or doctored. Sometimes the truth about those "researches" does not come out to light for years. People see hundreds of pages of research papers as proof that validates scientific answers to given issues.

Arrogant modern science tried to tackle the fundamental question of G-d’s existence as well. After all, it’s been THE MOST significant issue on people’s minds for centuries. But, no matter how hard they tried, they failed to produce scientific proof to the existence of G-d.
The conclusion was that, since G-d’s existence could not be proven through logical deduction, it could be assumed that there is no G-d.

This book is about wisdom

This book is a book of wisdom that was left to us by the Maker. It just scratches the surface, because it takes study of a lifetime to understand the wisdom of G-d. My intentions are to open the eyes and to arouse interest of the reader. I hope that after reading this, you will go on a journey similar to mine and would want to learn more. In the process, you will find a wondrous world that exists beyond the seemingly cold world that we live in.
This book will help you understand physical world. It will show you that happiness is not about how much money you have, or what kind of car you drive. It is about living a satisfying life and being happy with the things that you already possess, it will show you how to be happy with your share.
The book will also show you that someone is constantly watching over you. An average person needs someone watching over them, in order to have an incentive to follow a good path. Let’s take an example of a worker in a given work place. If he/she doesn’t have a supervisor to tell him/her what to do and critique his/her work, appearance, tardiness, timeliness, etc., he/she will slowly slack off until his/her work performance would plummet to very low levels.
That is the state of the world today. An average person thinks that maybe there is no G-d and there is no afterlife. Atheists and liberals want us to believe that G-d is a fairy tale. An average person has given up and is thinking, “Why should I be good? Why should I care? I will die and be gone from this world anyway. There is nothing after this.” So he/she embraces the life of immediate material satisfaction. 
I want you to realize that this world has a “supervisor” who is constantly watching. He put the system in place to reward good people in the current lifetime and in the end. I want people like you to join me and start a movement to promote good deeds, and make other people aware that some things in this life do matter.  I want to show everyone that there is a reward for doing good deeds. This will promote a better world for all of us.
I’m not claiming that I don’t have flaws because I surely do. However, over the years I found out that my honesty, integrity, good heart, lack of materialism shone over many, many hundreds of people I have encountered.
The purpose of this book is to improve your personal life and by doing this for you and for many other people, to make this world a much better place. This book will be your guide in understanding yourself and the world around you better, and will help you to become a more responsible and caring human being.

Why is faith important?

I believe in G-d because I see the evidence of His existence every day. Believing in G-d is like believing in Love and Happiness. Those concepts are not things you can measure or prove with scientific formulas. You just have to believe in them in the most sincere way.
I’m troubled to see that the direction this world is headed in is a wrong one. It has become a cold, materialistic world where families and friendships are no longer important. Some people pretend to possess faith, but they really don’t. The reality is that most of the people now days worship the ultimate golden calf in search for happiness, and don’t understand where the true happiness lies. I see that the majority of people chase a false dream of materialism, just to see them get old and die unhappy, unloved and lonely. 
I don’t have any intention to change your religious beliefs. I firmly believe that there is only one source, and there is only one G-d. I want to reach out as far as possible and touch as many people as I can. I want to tell them that it doesn’t matter what religion they practice. I want people to know that G-d is not a fairytale. I want people to be aware that their duty is to rise and become better human beings, and, therefore, care for their families and surroundings. I want them to know that it is the only way to find the ultimate happiness.
I further believe that if a person doesn’t believe in G-d and doesn’t practice His rules of honesty, integrity, morals, respect of parents, respect of marriage, holidays, etc., He will never find true love, true friendship, and happiness. It is all connected.
Right now I see that this world is going in totally wrong direction. I believe that if it continues at its current path, in about 30 years it will reach the point of no return. Life on this planet will become a poor form of previous existence. I don’t want our children to live in that kind of world. And I’ll explain why.
We have seen great social and technological advances in the last 30 years. It would seem that with all the advances in telecommunication, technology, social issues human life would be much better; therefore, there would be general contempt and happiness in the air, knowing that our ancestors had it much tougher than we have. We know by listening to their stories that in the past people were happier. Although they didn’t have lots of material things, as long as they had their families and were healthy, they were happy. However, today, many rich people have all the material toys in the world, and they are still unhappy. Poor people envy them without realizing that they are wasting precious years of their lives in jealousy and envy.
A year doesn’t go by without hearing news of some rich and famous fools destructing themselves into a life of drugs and alcohol. Some of them even kill themselves in the process. Do you really think that these people hurt themselves because they are happy?
Let me give you another example. In our time, people created a new social order that sets hundreds of new laws that govern workplaces to make people happy and give them time to spend with their families. One of those laws is a 40-hours work-week and the holiday time off rule. The law was intended to make sure that employers don’t take advantage of their workers and allow them sufficient time off. Sounds like a great idea, right? Well, guess what? Millions upon millions of people work much more than 40 hours a week “voluntarily”! So, I would assume they DON’T spend sufficient time with their families! What happened? Where did we go wrong?
In my childhood years, in 60’s and 70’s, there was great respect for honest people. Honest people were always encouraged and rewarded for their integrity. The message that is given today is the opposite. People will tell you that it doesn’t make sense to be honest, “because people will take advantage of you”. There is a message circulating out there that honest people are STUPID! I hear people lie all the time, and everybody thinks it’s OK. TV commercials play deceiving messages that portray inferior products as great products, and get away with it. I could go on and on. What happened? Where did we go wrong?
And then, people in general don’t seem happy at all…
Let me tell you folks. There is no amount of laws that a human being can create to protect us against liars, dishonest people or greedy employers. Without faith, the situation will just get worse than it is today. The good in people will not come from the government and its laws. The good has to come from within. It has to come from you and me. I believe that there are still some decent people left out there. Those good people are the reason why we are not plunging into chaos. I further believe that many countries in the world were founded on a basis of great conservative principals of faith and righteousness and that fact is the main reason why some of them are doing better than the rest of the world...

End of preview. To buy, click here.


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