Raising your child: With Jewish traditions so they can be succesfull

by David Zephaniah

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A parent’s role

Parents of those bad children have nobody else to blame but themselves. Every baby is born pure and innocent. Therefore, with the right attitude and upbringing, every baby has an equal chance of becoming a happy human being.
· Will a baby feel loved and wanted?
· Do they feel loved, so they in turn can love someone else?
· Will they be confident enough to be able to deal with challenges life will throw at them?
· Will they be independent and self-reliant?
· Will they understand social values and have the right respect for other people?
All these traits and much more are taught at home. Both of the parents have the most important role in molding their child’s personality. I’m not a doctor. The information that I have is better than any doctor’s advice because we practice what we preach.  I’m a descendant of a great family with very strong conservative traditions. These Bible traditions don’t get “old” with time. They are everlasting! If you decide to disregard them, there is no way you will raise great loving kids.
My extended family numbers in hundreds. Out of hundreds upon hundreds of kids I played with as a child, I don’t remember a single bad one. They had utmost respect for their parents. This was the result of special love, attention and discipline they each got. When I go to visit my family today, I see the same with their children. The instructions that were given to us thousands of years ago work perfectly.
I want to give you some great useful tips to create the right relationship with your child. If you follow them, I guarantee you good results. Remember, it’s not going to be easy! Every good idea needs time and hard work for it to succeed. Children are no exception. They are the most important asset we have.

Every baby is born pure and innocent

Like I said earlier, every baby is born pure and innocent. He or she gets a fresh start in life. Therefore, the upbringing itself is the single most important factor in molding his/her personality. Parents should start thinking about it once they discover they’re going to have a baby.
An average kid in our society is disrespectful, unhappy, selfish and unfulfilled. Many of them resent their parents and family and dishonor them in many ways. There are thousands of porn sites with young girls doing unspeakable sexual acts for very little money. We hear stories about kids who go out on shooting sprees to kill their peers. Jails are full of young people who committed terrible crimes. Boys behave like girls. Girls behave like boys. I could go on and on.
I want to raise a question: how can we prevent all this from happening?

What is a good family?

I grew up in a society that practices rules that were given to our ancestors by the Creator. It was then as it is today. He said that following those rules would ensure your prosperity and good life. Some of those rules have to do with raising children.

My family is huge. We are a very tight family and as a child I was exposed to hundreds of other kids, playing and spending time with them. The gatherings were very frequent. A month wouldn’t go by without some birthday party, engagement, wedding, graduation, etc.
Many times a gathering was in different towns so we would spend a night in a relative’s or friend’s house before coming back home the next day.
Every single one of their kids was very friendly, well behaved and kind, the way I was! They always shared their toys with me. They always honored their parent’s requests. Most of them were very smart children and played piano or sang songs to honor our visit. They were taught to clean after themselves. Even kids that were much older than me always gave me attention and spent time with me willingly and happily. I never felt unwanted!
When I go to visit my family nowadays, it’s all the same. My nephews and nieces are very well behaved intelligent children, they make their parents proud. They always hang out with me and try to follow me wherever I go.
It is unheard of for a child, no matter what age, to disrespect their parents in any way! Even if the parent is wrong! Neither with a word or action!...

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